Monday, January 10, 2011

An Introduction: Who I Am, What I'm Here For, etc.

My name is Dave Kocinski, 20-year old student at Pitt-Greensburg. I've changed my major 3 times already; the most current one, and one that I really plan on sticking with throughout the rest of my time in college, is English Writing. I plan on sticking with it because I actually enjoy writing many things: articles, poems, stories, etc.

Though I may be a Writing major, my biggest passion is music. It's always been a part of my life, ever since I was a little kid. I started learning drums when I was 10, and since then I've learned to play, aside from drums, the keyboard, some guitar, and bass guitar. Oh, and I try to sing too. Haha, that's a different topic for a different time.

I listen to a little bit of everything, for the most part. I mainly listen to rock, hardcore, progressive rock, and metal. Aside from those, I also enjoy indie rock, dubstep, and some hip-hop, among others that aren't coming to mind. I'm sorry, but I really don't like country music, just to toss out there.

This blog includes many things music-related; such as recent news (with my opinions about them), recent album reviews, bands I find cool that you might enjoy too, among many other subjects. Who knows, you may see a random, off-topic post from me here and there for good measure.

But that's all for now. Any questions or anything of that nature, comment on this. Thanks!


  1. Nice voice, Dave!

    I'm thinking you can do something more focused with the idea of bass line -- maybe use it in a kind of "bottom line" way. After each post, you could write a sum-up or capsule review and call it the Bass Line. It might be a way to give your blog more definitive structure. What do you think?

  2. Finally there's someone out there besides me who will listen to anything other than country!
